Site update history
Added some more images to the Mount Field National Parkpage.
Updated the Tarkine coast walk with images from the Arthur River region.
Updated Orroral Valley to Rendezvous Creekwith some more recent images.
Added an image of Growling Swallet to Mount Field National Park.Added a few more images to Dales Gorge to Figtree Crossing.
Added the Cradle Valleywalk. It's not quite the Overland Track, but it's a pretty good, shorter and logistically simpler alternative.
More home-brew darkroom gear. Added design and construction details for a basic digital enlarger timer.
Added images from the 2024 Art for takayna event.Added takayna creek.
Updated the Mount Field National Parkpage with more images.
Added a new imageto the structures gallery.
Added the Projection Bluff walkto the Pine Lake walk.
Added a new walk in the area west of Pine Lakein the Tasmanian Central Plateau. It's basically a walk-in camping trip with an optional day walk from the campsite.
Added a walk to Shadow Lakeand surrounds from Lake St Clair.
Added images from some short walks in Mount Field National Park.
Added a new photo-essay Sesquicentenary of the Overland Telegraph.
Added new image Three Bouldersto the black-and-white landscape gallery.
Added the Narcissus Bay to Lake St Clair Visitor Centresection to the Overland Track page.
Updated the Walls of Jerusalem from the eastwalk.
Added new image Dawn on the South Coastto the landscape gallery.
Updated Make your own 4x5 developing tankswith better diagrams and instructions.
Updated the Nadgee Wilderness Walk. I've re-scanned and processed all the photos from this walk from 1999/2000, and updated the walk description too.
Added a new walk Trephina Gorge (Alherrkentye). Trephina Gorge is in the East MacDonnell ranges, about 85km east of Alice Springs.
Updated the Pine Valley side trip on the Overland Trackwith images from the walk up to the Acropolis ridge in autumn .
Added View from Mt Wedge to Tasmanian short walks.Added new image Skywhale and Skywhalepapa.
Added Dietes grandiflorato the nature gallery.Added Gable Endto the abstract gallery.
Updated the Mount Ginini to Mount Gingerawalk with a map and new images.
Updated Corang Loop. The track has changed a bit since my previous visit, and the land is still recovering from the 2019 bushfires. This update includes an alternative route off Corang Plateau.
Another one from my large-format film days. Added Looking south to Mount Kosciuszko.
Added Rosedale Rocksto the black and white landscapes gallery.
First Budawangs trip after the 2019-2020 fires: Nerriga to Binnari Pass. The good news is that there's a lot of regrowth, but it's going to take years for the understory to reestablish and the wildlife to return.
Complete site overhaul with better tablet and phone support — details here. I've tested it on a variety of currently supported browsers and devices, but if you see any problems, please let me know.Updated the article about the site softwarefor the 2020 version.
Added some pictures of the darkroomthat I built for processing and printing 4x5" black and white film.
Added a brief note about the recent bushfires that burnt through The Budawangs. The whole area is currently closed.
Added the Nerriga to Hollands Gorge via Folly Point and returnwalk
Updated directions to the Nerriga entrance of The Budawangs.
Added Leaving Inarlanga Passfrom the Larapinta Trail to the landscapes gallery
Walked the western half of the Larapinta Trail from Ellery Creek to Redbank Gorge.
Added the Light-to-Light walkfrom Boyd Tower to Green Cape in Ben Boyd National Park.
Added my Hegartys Bay imagefrom the Light-to-Light walk to the landscapes gallery
Added this image.
Added my Cotter River imagefrom the Bimberi Peak walk to the landscapes gallery
Added the Wog Wog to Cooyoyo Creekwalk.
Updated the Budawangs Yadboro to Castle walk.
Added the Orroral Valley to Bimberi Peak walk.
Updated three of the Budawangs walks: Wog-Wog to Styles Creek , Nerriga to Yadboro and Corang Walk. I've added a few more images, reprocessed some existing images, rearranged some pages and updated some of the text.
Added a couple of images from the 2017 Tarkine in Motion event: Myrtle Forest at Que Roadand a moody scene near Mount Livingston.
Added the Walls of Jerusalem National Parkwalk.
Added the four day Wilsons Promontory loop walk.
Added a new imagefrom the 2014 Outback New South Wales trip. I used to think this one wasn't up to scratch, but with a bit of judicious processing I think it's come up quite nicely.
I walked the eastern half of the Larapinta Trail again in June 2016, but I didn't come back with many images this time. This one was worth keeping though. It was a great trip, even if things didn't exactly go to plan.
Added the Tarkine Coast walk. I did this walk as part of Tarkine in Motion 2016.
I saw this wandering around Queenstown TasmaniaAdded this imagefrom the Tarkine Coast walk.
Added the Jatbula Trail walk, a five or six day walk in Nitmiluk National Park in the Northern Territory.
Added some images from the Jatbula Trail walk to the landscapes gallery
Added three new images to People(Head Turning, Indian Photographer, Diwali). They're all scanned from 35mm negatives that I shot many years ago. They're pretty grainy, but I think that's part of what makes them work as images.
Another Spring, another cycle tour: Jindabyne to Falls Creek and back.
Added the Outback New South Walespage, with images from Mutawintji, Kinchega and Mungo national parks.Added a view of Lake Mungofrom the 2014 Western NSW trip to the landscapes gallery
Added some images from the Western NSW trip to the industrial/structures gallery.
New landscape image: Two Trees on Mt Sturgiss. I actually took this shot many years ago, but I've only just got around to producing a decent digital version of it.
Updated the Purnululu (Bungle Bungles) Piccaninny Creek walkwith new, re-scanned and reprocessed images. All these images are scanned from 35mm transparencies, and after a bit of post-processing I think they've come up really well. I've discovered that darktable is just as happy processing the TIF files from my scanner as it is processing the raw files from my digital camera, so I think I'll re-scan and process a bit more of my film archive using it.
Added the 2013 PedalPower Gippsland cycle tour: a nine-day cycle tour through north-east Victoria. Pelicans included.
Added images from my third Karijini trip. I just spent two weeks in and around Karijini National Park with four other photographers, and I think these are some of the best images yet. All these images were processed using darktable, an open source photography workflow application and raw developer. I'm very impressed with it.
Added another Budawangs walk: Wog-Wog to Styles Creek.
Enough of this colour nonsense - let's get back to real photography. I've been scanning a bunch of 35mm black-and-white negatives from my archives recently. This one is from a 1992 cycle tour in Norway.
Walls of Jerusalem National Park, Tasmania, 1991
From the 1999 Nadgee walk
Added the Canberra to Hill End and backcycle tour.
Added the Heathcote - Uloola Falls loop walk. This is an easy, two-night walk just south of Sydney.
Major revamp of the Braidwood cycle-touring pages. More maps, more pictures, better information.
Added images and trip notes from the Great Ocean Walkon the south coast of Victoria.
Added a black-and-white landscape image from the Great Ocean Walkon the south coast of Victoria.
Another fabulous Christmas week at the coast! This year the gang rented a spacious house at Tathraon the south coast of New South Wales. I spent a lot of the time eating and sleeping, but found enough time to do some short walks around the area.
I've been scanning more 35mm film. I've added a couple of black-and-white images to the People gallery - one from a snow-camping trip in the '90s and another from my 1987 India trip. It's been so long since I've done anything with a 35mm silver-halide negative I'd almost forgotten what film-grain looked like. For these two images I think it actually looks quite nice.
I've finished re-scanning and re-processing the 2003 Larapinta Trail images. These were taken on 35mm slide film — Kodak Elite Chrome 200 I think.
New walking/cycling recipe - tomato, lentil and olive pasta
Added a new Karijini walk from Dales Gorge to Figtree Crossing.
Welcome to the new website. Please contact me to report any problems or make suggestions.
New web-portfolio entry - GIY Green It Yourself
Images from Karijini National Park and surrounding areas in The Pilbara
Beginnings of my outdoor-gear checklist.
An article on the content management system I wrote to serve this site
Making your own dehydrated meals for walking trips
Added many new colour landscape images from walks I've done over the past few years
A few thoughts on the risks associated with storing your digital images and how to mitigate them.
Added a new web portfolio entry.I've been busy working on this and other software projects recently, so I haven't been doing much photography. I hope to remedy this over Christmas, so stay tuned.
Added the Outback Central Australia (Watarrka to Marree)trip.
I walked the eastern half of the Larapinta Trail from Ellery Creek to Alice Springs.
Added the Kosciuszko and Thredbopage.
Added the Nerriga to Yadboro walk.
Added my web design and software portfolio.
Added the Corang walkto the Budawangs section.
Added the Overland Trackwalk.
Added the Ningaloo and Pilbara Coasttrip.
Added the Munjina to Bee Gorge walkin Karijini National Park.
14 August 2008 to Monday 1 September 2008: Exhibition at Tuggeranong Arts Centre. The gallery is on the corner of Cowlishaw & Reed streets Greenway (phone +61 2 6293 1443), ACT. All works are for sale - see the catalogue here (PDF). The gallery is open 9-5 on weekdays, and 1-4PM on weekends.
Added a few images of the walk from Mount Ginini to Mount Gingerato the Namadgi section.
Added the Royal National Park coast walk.
New landscape image: Tuross Pools
I will be having an exhibition of my black and white landscape photographsat the Tuggeranong Arts Centre in 2008. It will open at 5:30PM, Thursday 14 August 2008 and run until Tuesday 2 September 2008. All works will be for sale and have been printed to an archival standard on fibre-base paper and will be framed in 78x53cm frames. Hope to see you there!
Added a new Braidwood photo.
Added Canberra to Binalong and backcycle tour.
Added the Alpine loopcycle tour.
Added a new colour landscapesgallery.
Added the Burrewarra Pointpage.
Added the Washpool and Gibraltar Rangepage.
Added Northern India.
Added more Braidwood images, reorganised the page and reprocessed some images
Added the Jagungal walk.Added the Durras Lakekayak trip.Added the Rendezvous creek (Namadgi NP)walk.
Complete site rebuild. Doesn't use frames now, and has a site map.
Added the Castle walk to the Budawangs gallery
Added the Hinchinbrook Islandwalk.
Added the Northern Rivers cycle tour
Added the Little Forest Plateauwalk.Added Sunset from Maria Island.
Added some better and bigger images to Nadgee Wilderness Walkand Purnululu pages. Added Maria Island to the Tasmania page.
Added 4 new images: Sunrise at Augusta
Cleaned up a few old images (including Confluencefrom the Purnululu walk).Added Black Sallee.
Finished the Laosand Cambodia pages and reorganised the rest of the People, places, things section.