Updated: Jan 2023
Published: Jul 2007

Canberra to Binalong and back

This is a great weekend ride from Canberra. It's about 100km on each day, but it's reasonably flat. There's some highway riding on the Barton and Hume highways, but both have generally good shoulders, and most of the trip is on quieter roads. The main road from Binalong to Yass is a little undulating, as is the southern end of Dog Trap Road. Both Bendenine Stock Route (just labelled "Stock Route Road" on the signs I think) and Dog Trap Road are unsealed, but were in very good condition in winter 2007.

We stayed at the Old Royal Guesthouse and it was fantastic, although I think it's closed now (last checked in 2023).

Tank on the hill

A tank on a hill on the Murrumbateman side of Yass.

Checking the map

Julie checking the map in Yass at lunchtime.

Stock Route Road

This is a really nice dirt road that connects the Lachlan Valley Way to Binalong.

A view on Stock Route Road
Another view on Stock Route Road
Backlit windmill

This is the Old Royal Guesthouse in Binalong. (2023 update: looks like it's closed now)

Bec and Pippa

Catching some rays on Sunday morning.

Kids and ducks

Small children impersonating garden gnomes.

Ian on Dog Trap Road

Sunday afternoon: hasta la vista, jelly snake.

Dog Trap Road

Another good dirt road.

A view on Dog Trap Road
Bike silhouette

Dan's bike on a roof rack.

Checking directions

At this point we're not exactly sure that Dog Trap road connects to the highway, but it seems like a good quality and well used road, so our hunch is that it does. Dan and Allison are scouting ahead in a car and letting us know where it goes.

Another view on Dog Trap Road