Updated: Sep 2006
Published: Jul 2004


Luang Prabang

We actually started the trip in Vientiane, the capital of Laos. Vientiane is quite interesting, but not as picturesque as Luang Prabang. Situated on the Mekong River in the hilly north of Laos, Luang Prabang was the capital in days gone by. This view is from Mount Phousi in the centre of town.

Mekong tributary

The Khan river joins the Mekong at Luang Prabang.

Protect your head

Lots of people ride little motorbikes in Laos, and very few of them wear helmets. Hopefully its not a big problem, as most of the traffic is fairly slow moving. Riding with a parasol, however, is fairly popular.


Chatting with a novice monk at the stupa on Mount Phousi.


Lanterns for sale in Luang Prabang.

Fish out of water

Dried fish and other delicacies at the market.

River boats

These boats are run as a kind of taxi service along the river. We took one upstream for a few hours to see the cave temples.

Cave temple
Home brew

Reptiles in alcohol, as brewed by a village on the river.

To the waterfall

Heading downstream for a swim.


These cascades flow over tree roots and clay - not a rock to be seen. Definitely worth the trip out from Luang Prabang, especially on a hot day.

Growing rice

Rice fields in the countryside around Luang Prabang.