Welcome! This site is primarily a showcase for my photography. I've categorised my best images by theme into a set of galleries: Landscapes, Nature, Urban, industrial and structures, People, and Abstract. I've also published trip notes and photo diaries for walks, cycle tours and other trips that I've done.
What's new 🔗
Added some more images to the Mount Field National Parkpage.
Updated the Tarkine coast walk with images from the Arthur River region.
Updated Orroral Valley to Rendezvous Creekwith some more recent images.
Added an image of Growling Swallet to Mount Field National Park.Added a few more images to Dales Gorge to Figtree Crossing.
Added the Cradle Valleywalk. It's not quite the Overland Track, but it's a pretty good, shorter and logistically simpler alternative.
More home-brew darkroom gear. Added design and construction details for a basic digital enlarger timer.
Added images from the 2024 Art for takayna event.Added takayna creek.
Updated the Mount Field National Parkpage with more images.
Added a new imageto the structures gallery.
Added the Projection Bluff walkto the Pine Lake walk.
Added a new walk in the area west of Pine Lakein the Tasmanian Central Plateau. It's basically a walk-in camping trip with an optional day walk from the campsite.
Added a walk to Shadow Lakeand surrounds from Lake St Clair.