Note: indicated routes are approximate. Use official topographic maps for navigation.
Wog-Wog to Styles Creek
Note: indicated routes are approximate. Use official topographic maps for navigation.
This is a reasonably easy four day walk from the Wog-Wog entrance (near Braidwood) to the Styles Creek campsite (near the base of Quiltys Mountain) and back again. The first campsite is at Canowie Brook or maybe a few hundred metres further along beside Burrumbeet Brook. There's a toilet block at the Burrumbeet Brook campsite.
The tracks from Wog-Wog up to the base of Mount Tarn are fairly well defined, but from there the route is a bit overgrown. Getting up on to Mount Tarn involves battling through stands of banksias that have overgrown the track, and then following the small rock cairns until you can pick up the main track again. Much of that section has been hardened with duckboards, but that too is starting to get overgrown with tussocks.
Getting off Mount Tarn and around the base of Mount Haughton is relatively easy, although there's a fair bit of scrambling over fallen logs and slippery rocks and undergrowth to contend with. The track passes through a grotto where there's usually enough trickling water to replenish your supplies, but don't count on it if there's been an extended dry spell - its catchment is the relatively small area on top of Mount Haughton.
The route leaves the base of Mt Haughton and heads initially north-east then east down a broad spur at a dry rock overhang. The track isn't really obvious here, but if you stick to the middle of the spur you should pick up some small rock cairns within a few hundred metres. Once the spur flattens out and starts to merge into the plain that forms the Styles Creek catchment, stick to the east, close to Mount Sturgiss to avoid the swampy parts that feed the creek itself. Again, the track is not all that well defined here, but usually discernible.
At some point you have to cross some of the swampy parts to get to the campsite, which is located on the south side of the creek where the track coming in from The Vines and Hidden Valley crosses it. This usually involves picking your way between tussocks and avoiding the deeper pools, but with any luck you'll get across with dry feet.
Follow the same route back to Wog-Wog