Updated: May 2013
Published: Mar 2005

Little Forest Plateau

View Budawangs, Little Forest Plateau in a new window.
Note: indicated routes are approximate. Use official topographic maps for navigation.

Little Forest Plateau combines fantastic scenery with minimal effort. The walk along the top of the cliff to Gadara point (the western-most option on the map above) is relatively flat and mostly open. The alternative route (the eastern-most option above) is a different story: this requires a bit of scrub bashing and there's no well defined track for parts of it. Ngaityung Falls is quite spectacular and there's space for a few tents there.

The walk out to Talaterang is relatively straightforward once you've scrambled off Gadara Point. This part is mostly forested, so progress is slower than along the open clifftop track.

Note: The map above is just a rough guide. The marked locations and route may be highly inaccurate. If you want to do this walk, get hold of the proper topographic maps and use them to plan your walk in conjunction with a reputable guide book.

On Little Forest Plateau
I did this walk with Dan (pictured) in March 2005. We started on Little Forest Plateau near Milton, and walked clockwise around the plateau to camp at Ngaityung Falls. The following day we made our way up to Gadara Point, then on to Mount Talaterang. The plateau is pretty flat, as you'd expect, but the track is pretty overgrown by banksias in places, so it's not a complete doddle. From this spot on the edge of the plateau there's not really any track at all down to the falls that we could find, and it's pretty easy to find yourself tangled up in the scrub.
Mt Talaterang from Gadara Point
A brief stop before dropping off the plateau to make our way across to Mount Talaterang on the second day. On the horizon you can see Pigeon House on the left and Mount Talaterang in the middle. That's me on the left. The track from here drops off the point, skirts the back side of that pointy knoll to the right of Talaterang, and then scrambles up Pallin Pass. We spent the second night camped on the far side of Talaterang. On day three we made out way back here to Gadara Point, then continued our way clockwise around the plateau back to the carpark.
Looking up Pallin Pass
This is part of the climb up to Mount Talaterang. Notice the hanging tree trunk caught between the tree and the cliff face.
Looking down Pallin Pass
Ants on Mountain Devil flower

There were lots of these Mountain Devils (Lambertia formosa) in flower on the plateau. This one had ants crawling all over the flower, presumably feeding on the nectar.